DEVO: This Light Is Mine
By Doyle Goodspeed, Resident
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16
“This is my light. There may be others like it. But none is exactly like it.
And this light is mine. It is the only light I have.
I am of no use without my light. The world is dark and many have lost their way.
A little light may show them. My light, though feeble, may help.
So I let it shine.
I am of no use without my light. I have it as a reflection of Him who gave it to me.
If I do not tend it and keep it bright,
If I fail Him, I weaken His followers and detract from His glorious brightness
And cause others, whom I might have helped, to stumble.
So I let my light shine.
My light is fueled by what I do and is a reflection of what He did. It is a fragile light.
When others see it, if it burns brightly, they think of Him.
Without my light, I am of no use to others or Him.
With my light, I can add to His glory.
And others can see the way.
So I let my light shine.
My light needs constant attention to keep it burning bright.
And though not very bright alone, with other lights it can be magnified.
Since my light reflects the Source, I stay as close to Him as I can.
I always try to please Him.
My light is short-lived. It can shine only for a blink, compared to all time.
And I must use it while I can.
If I use it well, I can carry it with me to that other place where His light dispels all darkness and shines eternal.
So I let my light shine.”